Democratize history through new media. Thank you for supporting the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. Your gift helps us create innovative histories, share free educational resources, and support the next generation of digital historians.

You can direct your gift to one of the following funds:
-Director's Innovation Fund: Fuel our experiments and new research directions.
-Alumni and Friends Fellowship: Build our endowment fund for long-term support for innovative digital dissertations and graduate student research.
-Graduate Student Education: Immediately support graduate students by funding their research projects and professional development.
-R2 Studios: Power the production of narrative history podcasts for listeners everywhere.

If you have questions about making a gift, please contact chnm@gmu.edu.

Current: Gift information » Donor Information » Payment » Review » Finish
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Gift Options


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By supporting Mason, you join a community that is unified and inspired by our mission to better serve the world.
Thank you!

Designations Required Field

Selected Designations
Name Amount Percentage
Director's Innovation Fund for CHNM
RRCHNM Alumni and Friends Fellowship Endowment
Graduate Student Education for CHNM
R2 Studios
Total: $0.00 0%

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